Thursday, June 30, 2011

More Painting. Why Not?

We had/have some not-so-secret shameful elements in The Serpico House.

You've seen our living room. It looks nice.

But then there's the upstairs hallway... Not as nice.

In case you're keeping score, this is a photo from when we first uncovered the floor in the upstairs hallway. You can see the small chunk of rug still left at the top of the steps. On the plus side, the carpet is long gone. On the minus, the walls in the hallway were still the same dingy white... until about a week ago.

Downright shameful that we waited this long to handle that business, but I'm glad we did. Ol' Painty Pants and I had a "painting date," and we got it done. It's the same color as the living room--"Basketry." Except for... umm...

Well, there's the whole area above the steps that is gonna be hard to do.

See, the whole area above the stairs is problematic. As the stairs head downward, the walls just keep going upward... and that's a tough area to reach. The experts recommend using scaffolding or extension ladders or something. Um. Yeah. We ain't got none of those. So... We'll have to figure that out.

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