The township came and took away the leaves we piled at the curb. The street is frighteningly clean. I like it. Tax dollars at work!
In other news, Avy's aunt Renee assisted in the acquisition of a big-ass TV--a 46" LG flat-screen LCD.
I know... every male person reading this just said, "oooooOOOOooo!"
We got it for a discount. Yes, Avy is a smart shopper. And the TV? It's bad-ass. Xavier already digs it for Blue's Clues and other political discussion shows. He's into current events.
We had plans to mount the TV over the fireplace. Avy scored us a nice flat-screen mount, which included all the hardware for the job. We just needed a few special tools to make the whole thing happen. And courage. Because dropping an expensive TV scares me, as does the idea of making a lot of potentially large holes in the wall.
But, before we get to that whole thing... remember that mirror in our living room?
This one...

That mirror was definitely professionally installed. The hardware holding it up was not playing around at all. We made it bend to our will, though. But guess what was under the mirror?

What the hell? There's no wallpaper anywhere else in the house. Figures that the one place we find it would be hidden by a giant mirror. Awesome.
So there's that funky speckled stuff on the outside... and some really old textured, velvety stuff on the inside. It's all dusty. And it's UP there. I mean, it has no desire to come down. But Ms. Serpico's mighty wallpaper will bow to us. I swear it. It has to go before we paint.
The textured blue wallpaper is kind of neat, actually. Check it out close up...

Anyway, cool or not, it has to go. And, like I said, it really doesn't want to come down, but wet sponges and scrapers are persuasive implements.

The key is to get the wallpaper really good and wet, and let that water soak into the paper for a while before starting the scraping process. It's almost as much fun as scraping adhesive off of the floor, except your arm starts to hurt sooner. Have you noticed the amount of scraping we've been doing in this house? It seems to be a recurring theme. I really hope we don't have to scrape anything else. We were only able to do a smallish amount of work before we had to skip out for the evening, but we did return the next day.
We did not, however, continue scraping, as we had another task we wished to complete--the mounting of the big-ass TV. We didn't have a lot of time, so we wanted to just quickly knock the job out. We thought it would be simple.
Well, it really is a simple process. There are only four major bits to the kit: the TV, two clampy things and the bracket. The bracket goes on the wall, the clampy things go on the TV and then the clampy things are used to attach to the TV to the bracket, which is on the wall... and then your TV is on the wall. Basic. I mean, yeah there are screws and other things, too, but that's the basic jist.
Maybe. But you need to have some stuff, first. Like a stud finder (**make obligatory stud joke here**) so that the big lag bolts for the bracket can go into a solid part of the wall. And a drill bit of the proper dimensions to start those bolts on their journey into the stud. And a socket wrench of the proper size in order to make the bolts turn.
Yeah, we didn't have those things, so we had to go buy them.
The other thing you have to figure out when you're mounting a big-ass TV is how you plan to center the thing on the wall. See, we wanted to mount the TV above the fireplace, which is kind of a sweet idea, really. The problem is that there is one stud in the middle of the fireplace, which would be the ideal spot to mount the bracket. Except the bracket has to be mounted onto TWO studs, which means the damn TV would then be off to one side or the other... not centered over the fireplace. No. That's not what we want. We want what we want.
So what this means is that we have to choose the side we want to mount the bracket and then slide the TV back in the other direction in order to center it. BAH. It took some doing, but we made it happen... and it does look pretty damn sweet.

Sorry--the picture isn't the best. The TV isn't quite centered in this shot, and the wires are showing, but whatever. You can see that we have a big-ass TV over our fireplace. That was the goal. We did it. Yay!
Just to give you an idea of the scale of this thing--the fireplace is 72" wide. The TV is 46". That's a big-ass TV. We may have to start watching sports or something. Isn't the World Bowl Cup coming up soon?
A thought: there are people who charge upwards of $200 to come to your house with a stud finder, a little drill and a socket wrench, and they install your TV on a wall mount in about 20 minutes. Now, granted, we had to buy a stud finder (which we'll need in other projects) a drill bit (um, duh) and a cheap set of socket wrenches (again, we'll need those, too) , and it did take us more than 20 minutes. I think the tools cost us about $60. So we saved approximately $140 by figuring this out on our own. And, now that we've done it once, I know we can do it again, which is good, because we want to mount a TV in our bedroom, too. No sense having the thing sit on a dresser or something if it can be mounted, right?
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