Avy really liked that little vanity, and she wanted to put it in our bedroom as a, you know... vanity... a place to sit and put on make-up, etc.
But she made the error of putting it at the foot of our bed when the cable TV guy came to hook up service. As a result, one the TV was hooked up, the vanity became a TV stand by default. See?

That kind of sucked for Avy, because, with the TV on top, this thing is not very useful as a vanity in the traditional sense.
So, when we had the opportunity, we decided to wall-mount the TV and put that vanity into its intended place and make things better.
We ordered a wall-mount. We even ordered a little shelf for the cable box. It was going to be so sweet. Except for one thing... our bedroom LCD can't be wall-mounted. Yeah. Lame, right? It happens to be a little older, and LCDs from 2006 apparently weren't all made according to VESA standards for LCD mounting screws. Long story short--that TV ain't going up on the wall without a lot of extra work... so, not wanting to be defeated, we ran out to Wal-Mart and bought a little cheapo desk to use as a TV stand. It's an ugly desk, really, so we covered it with a tapestry. Here's the result...

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