OK, some of these adjustments involve winter in the mid-Atlantic region. It's cold. It's been snowing a bit. These elements are not particularly debilitating. I'm a good snow driver, and we have a good vehicle with all-wheel drive. And we have warm coats.
And the view is nice.

The township is really good about plowing. Plus, one of our neighbors (nobody seems to know who) has taken it upon themselves to use their riding snow-blower to clear the sidewalks for about a two-block radius. So these things are nice.
However, I now have a longer drive to work, and, in order to complete this drive, I have to negotiate some areas where traffic can be slow or bottle-necked even in good weather. Additionally, Xavier is now accompanying me on this drive every day because his daycare is located directly across the street from my office. Xavier's in daycare every day now because Avy now has a new job. Avy's new job also requires a fairly serious and involved commute with buses, trains and transfers.
What does this mean for all of us?
Well, we all leave the house at the same time every day (around 6:30am, which is early for us all), fully bundled up for our commutes. Our alarm goes off at 6am, so we throw ourselves together as quickly as possible and get Xavier ready to go. He's two years, four months old. He doesn't always want to participate in the whole morning ritual. Hell, none of us want to get moving in the morning, but Xavier is more vocal in expressing his displeasure about being aroused from his slumbers. He usually brightens up rather quickly when cookies are involved, though. Who wouldn't, ya know?
Evenings are a reversal of the mornings. By the time we wind down and pack Xavier's lunch for the next day, we're pretty much beat. This suburban grown-up stuff ain't easy.
Anyway, the whole adjustment period has us all a little off kilter, and we're learning how to live in our new house. It's not bad, but I can't say we're totally on top of things yet. We'll figure it out, though. We just need to establish some new patterns. Until we do, we're just going to have to deal.
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